Friday, 27 February 2015

Cat Litter - we've got you covered

Unfortunately after my last horrible post, my next one is about cats still.

So as we were getting the new house, and there's really nowhere to put litter trays (only one toilet, kitchen doesn't really lend itself to litter trays) we had to start thinking of a way to hide the trays. So I had a good ole Google and found some solutions

One of them stuck with me though, the HOL Ikea solution! For Christmas my fabulous Auntie Pamela, Uncle John and Cousins Joe and Jacob bought us a large Hol! So I immediately set about creating a litter tray that I could let people see!

The finished, unstained article!

I broke SO MANY GODDAMN SAWS trying to get that out - every 30 seconds I swear, another saw went PING and broke!
I didn't even do it right so I could use the bits as coasters. FAIL!

Then I stained it! I didn't want the lighter wood in the house, when almost all my furniture is dark wood, so I took a pot of stain and ruined a paintbrush doing this:
Stained and ready to go

So there you go, it doesn't look too intrusive in my hallway, and the cats took straight to it in the old house (Including Gamora, even if she put her butt out of the door a couple of times :') ) and it's now in the hallway here. I have to hoover up the litter they kick out now and again, but overall it's much better than just a tray of shit. YMMV

BTW, I'm in the new house, my polish is installed, It's POLISH, ALL THE WAY DOWN from now on :D xxx

Sunday, 15 February 2015

RIP Gamora

I'm going to keep this short, otherwise I'm going to fucking cry all over again and again and again.

We took Gamora to the vet on Friday because she was limping, and it turned out that she had Feline Leukaemia and we had her put to sleep.

I'm fucking devastated. Gamora was the first cat we've had that was truly mine. It turns out that each time we'd been calling her for the last month, she was actually anaemic and in pain and she still ran to see us.

I will never forget her little mew, her face, her licking, her snuggling under the covers when we slept. She was always the first to greet us at the door, the first one at my feet on the loo, she ALWAYS came running when we called (Rumble and Frenzy know I just want to tease them, and I don't always have food) and she never got to experience snow or catching a bird or stealing my dinner while my back was turned.

I will miss you, G

Friday, 13 February 2015

My friends are AMAZING!

The other week, my friend Sage asked me for my address, because she had something for me. Today it arrived at work!




 The cutest Mucha card with the best message; "Our Nail Goth"? My heart melted :3

And some more of the present?

Look at those tiny details!! The screw on the bottle!!

 Please excuse my messy desk!

The custest, most amazing thing - this is the BEST present I have ever received, it even matches my current manicure!!

Even the frame is absolute PERFECTION.

This beauty is taking pride-of-place alongside my collection, probably hung pride-of-place in the middle of the damn wall.

I met Sage through Livejournal, getting on for 15 years ago? One time, they came to London and my Amazing Friend Rosie at Silver Ash Photography took pictures of us in Greenwich park - it was an amazing day that ended in too much sushi and memories that will last a lifetime!
Clockwise from Front Left: Sage, Jon, Joe, Laura, Me!

And the matching Manicure?

Happy Valentine's Day, guys!

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

We Got Our Bungalow!!

The day finally came, We are now proud owners of a Bungalow:
Our new house!

I actually can't quite believe it, and that's probably partially because we haven't moved in yet. We're still living in our rental because I didn't want to commit to a day, and have to do it all in one day (and take any more time off from my new job) so we're moving in on the 21st.

It's amazing inside, the whole place was done out, so it's boringly beige and white (not so Goth) but I've already been busy, and this Sunday we made the bedroom wall look pretty with some amazing Skull wallpaper from Graham Brown:
17-year-old-me is SO HAPPY inside!

And I honestly couldn't spend that much on wallpaper without letting Richard have something geeky around, so we got him this Marvel Comic Books wallpaper for the Computer Room:
40-year-old-Richard is EVEN HAPPIER inside!

So, we've got some packing to do, and some downsizing of clothes, but in 10 days time we will be moved into our own little house with our own things and a new garden to abuse and new spaces for the cats to explore.