So as we were getting the new house, and there's really nowhere to put litter trays (only one toilet, kitchen doesn't really lend itself to litter trays) we had to start thinking of a way to hide the trays. So I had a good ole Google and found some solutions
One of them stuck with me though, the HOL Ikea solution! For Christmas my fabulous Auntie Pamela, Uncle John and Cousins Joe and Jacob bought us a large Hol! So I immediately set about creating a litter tray that I could let people see!
The finished, unstained article!
I broke SO MANY GODDAMN SAWS trying to get that out - every 30 seconds I swear, another saw went PING and broke!
I didn't even do it right so I could use the bits as coasters. FAIL!
Then I stained it! I didn't want the lighter wood in the house, when almost all my furniture is dark wood, so I took a pot of stain and ruined a paintbrush doing this:
Stained and ready to go
So there you go, it doesn't look too intrusive in my hallway, and the cats took straight to it in the old house (Including Gamora, even if she put her butt out of the door a couple of times :') ) and it's now in the hallway here. I have to hoover up the litter they kick out now and again, but overall it's much better than just a tray of shit. YMMV
BTW, I'm in the new house, my polish is installed, It's POLISH, ALL THE WAY DOWN from now on :D xxx